Monday, May 27, 2013

Want to see a truckload of sister missionaries?

I thought you would!  We are missionaries serving in the Family and Church History Headquarters Mission.  Here we are doing both!  We are helping one sister with her genealogy and family's history, while we gather information about Church history, together.  

"...oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh."  Yay!

Cemetery visit #2.  The second visit to the local cemeteray was on Sunday afternoon.  The weather was great, and a lot of people were there.

Memorial Day Traditions

Today is Memorial Day.  Do you have any Memorial Day traditions?  

There seem to be a few in Salt Lake.  Many families get together on this weekend and visit cemeteries, and remember their departed relatives.  This activity is not exclusive to those relatives who served in the armed forces, although many did.  They take this time to honor and celebrate their loved one's life by sharing pictures, passing down stories, exchanging favorite family recipes, and participating in genealogy.  What fun!

Since I don't know anyone who is buried here, I tagged along with one family and learned about their ancestors.  (Goff and White)  Several other missionary sisters came with us. We were a group of seven, and had a wonderful time.   I have now been to the local cemetery three times, and have unique stories to share about each visit!

Visit #1: Church History comes to life.
Many know that our beloved President Monson lost his dear wife, Sister Frances Johnson Monson, ten days ago.  I was able to attend her funeral service in the Tabernacle.  It will always be a tender memory for me, because it was the first LDS-type memorial service I have ever attended.  The furthest thought in my mind that day was visiting her grave site, but I did.  One of the sisters found her resting place, late that day, and so as missionary sisters we decide to pay our respects.

No one was there, and we were relieved.  We did not want to intrude on this family's private time of mourning.  We stood there, reflecting on the day's events, and the things we learned about her life.  We read the ribbons on the lovely floral arrangements. I couldn't believe that we were with her!

A few minutes later, we met a man named David, who took our picture and began to tell us about other LDS members who were buried there.  He shared a lot of great information, and even a cemetery map, which soon led to an evening of grave hunting.  I don't know how much David knows about the Church, but he certainly knows a lot about its leaders!  I was surprised to learn that, although a long-time resident of Salt Lake, he has never been to the Tabernacle for Music and the Spoken Word.  So, we invited him to join us!  He was so excited that he also requested a tour of the Church History Library too.  Great!

For the next few hours, we walked around the cemetery in search of the "great ones".  We found many, and felt it was a great beginning to a new missionary project.  I am thrilled for the opportunity to study the lives of past Presidents, and then honor them in a very real and personal way.  I am going to keep track of the graves we find, and then read more about these people's lives.

Want to know whose grave sites we found?

 I also took pictures of a few other interesting site.  Look closely at Elijah Abel's headstone.  (I'm not sure if this info is accurate.) "The first African American to be ordained to the priesthood" AND was a General Authority of the Church!

I liked the signs some families made and placed on the sites for Memorial Day.  Genealogy on a stick!  What a great activity idea for FHE!

God 101

How would you feel if you knew for certain that God exists?

Not only is there God, a Divine Creator, but this is our Father, an eternal heavenly being. Because He is our Father, this makes us His sons and daughters. As His children, we are each known to Him and loved. Sounds simple, right? If we examine this idea under a magnifying glass, we would see the evidence of His awareness and love for each of us in great detail. What would happen if we came to this realization, and knew that this nice idea was actually correct...true?

If this was true, how would we feel about our relationship with God? How would we feel about ourselves? When we create the time and space to quiet our mind, we allow ourselves to be guided by our Father, and become sensitive to His knowledge, power, love, and magnificent perspective. This is what I am being invited to do continually on this mission: understand and nurture my private relationship with my Father, God!

I am realizing all the time how much my Father in Heaven knows me personally- by name and with so much detail- and how happy He wants me to be. This is an amazing realization! To be given the gift of time to seek out these evidences is also amazing! Too often I think that this life is a succession of trials and lessons, and that happiness and joy is reward that will happen later, much later.

Heavenly Father is all-knowing, loving, and patient. He knows that I am not. He knows that quick feedback helps me understand lessons, and makes me... happy! Wow, God really really really really REALLY wants ME to be happy! (The rule of five “really”s). Guess what? He wants you to be really happy too! Really! He knows you. He loves you. And, He wants to have a very deep and personal relationship with you too! You don't have to serve a mission for a similar experience to happen to you. Just make room and time for God, in your mind, heart, and life.

If you make this your intention, you will know these things with certainty for yourself:
  1. God exists; He lives!
  2. He knows each one of us.
  3. He loves us.
  4. He wants us to be happy.
These are the basics. God 101. Sometimes, I have to strengthen my faith, and begin with the basics. Remembering these basics helps me to build upon them, and look at life with a greater understanding and appreciation for the little things- Heavenly Father's beautiful surprises- just to make me happy. Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful to me!

Read future blog entries to know more about the wonderful experiences I have been learning from, and growing. See if you can find Heavenly Father's tender and loving hand throughout the stories. Open your heart, and listen. You might find them in the subtle details, and simplest moments. I pray that you, too, will become aware of the beautiful surprises that God has placed in your life. If you have not yet, then I invite you to a begin looking at life, your life, from a more magnificent perspective. Apply the basics, and know that you are special to God, and you ARE truly loved.

This is Patrick.

This is Patrick McKee, a local musician in Salt Lake City.  You may have seen him perform near Temple Square.  He has been playing his harmonica and sharing gospel hymns for the last 15+ years.  He says that he plays for God, the missionary sisters who serve in Temple Square, for himself, and for us.  Doing this makes him happy!

Patrick has a wonderful story to share about his life and his testimony of God.  I will let him tell his story, in his words, and with his music.  He not only plays the harmonica, but also the saxophone, clarinet, and more!  He likes to share his talents with locals and visitors alike.  He has a collection of hymn books, which missionaries have signed throughout the years, many sharing their favorite hymns and adding their good wishes.

Patrick and I met a few months ago, while I was coming out of the Temple.  Something made me stop and talk to him.  We have been friends ever since!  He is a wonderful person, and brother- and I love him!  You will too, as you learn  more about him, his life, his music, and his tour.  

One of Patrick's ambitions is to tour Utah's temples this year, and play his harmonica there.  He has called this Brother Patrick's Mormon Miracle Temple Tour (BPM2T2)!  He came up with the name, and is excited about sharing his message and talents with many.  The idea is not a new one.  His friend, Michael, thought about it three years ago, and has been encouraging Patrick ever since.  As you may know, timing is everything, and now is Patrick's time to "arise and shine forth"!  Visit Patrick's Blog.

All of us have gifts and talents.  Patrick wants to share his with you!  As we watch and listen, perhaps we can learn something of value from him and each other.  We can learn more about humanity, friendship, and love...our Father in Heaven's unending love for us, each and every one of us.

Finally at the MTC!

Yay, I finally went to the MTC! The MTC, or Mission Training Center, is where I longed to go! I imaged this to be THE place where I would be prepared to be a great missionary, and learn everything about how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. This is where every missionary goes, right? Wrong. Not me. As a matter of fact, in a letter I received, also known as “the call to serve a mission”, it specifically stated that I was NOT report to the MTC. What??? Denied this privilege, and almost a right of passage?

Being obedient, I accepted my instructions, and stayed away from the MTC for as long as I could. Unbeknown to be, I had been near the MTC several times in the past two years. As much as I desired to step foot on this hallowed campus, I never wanted to impose my will, by finding it and just show up. I wanted to be invited. But how, and when?

Thanks to the thoughtfulness of some wonderful friends, last week I was invited to enter through the gates of the MTC as a guest. What a dream come true! This experience was everything I thought it would be- and more! Walking through the halls, I felt like I was at a college for angels. I was surrounded by people actively engaged in the work of God. They were ALL preparing to become ambassadors of God to the world, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will listen. Wow! I was walking on air and feeling a tremendous power...of love!

Yes, that's what it was! Love. I LOVED being there- and everyone else did too! Young and old, teacher and student- all were thrilled to be there because of one simple word. Love. We love God, our Father in Heaven. We love His son, Jesus. He is the Christ, Redeemer of every single soul in the world. This is why we love Him! We also love everyone, and we are willing to prove that through word and deed. These are just a few of our common reasons for dedicating our lives to God, and for being at the MTC at this time. We want to do His will, and share the Gospel as He directs it, in a very loving and personal way. This is His way, and we honor and love this. Missionary work is a wonderful and complete circle of love.

Are you wondering what I did at the MTC? Well, I ate dinner in the cafeteria. My friends wanted me to have a full experience, and I did! Like the Elders and Sisters, I vacuumed my food from the plate. We didn't want to be late for the evening meeting, which was a special devotional for missionaries. The guest speaker was Elder Marcus B. Nash. As you might expect, it was an uplifting and mind-expanding talk rooted in doctrine. Excellent!

Next, was a very unique experience for me. I got to sit in a small classroom, with six missionaries who are leaving for Estonia this week. We shared some thoughts about Elder Nash's talk and gained a lot of great insight. These missionaries are amazing! One of them, Sister Thorn, has been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or LDS) for a little more than a year. She is a sister after my own heart, and has a strong testimony of God's power in redirecting lives, if we allow Him into our heart.

My visit to the MTC inspired me to be a better missionary, and step up my calling. Do more, be more. Study more, pray more. Our Father will provide opportunities to help and love others, as we prepare ourselves. I will always be grateful to my friends, Abby and the Taylors, for making this extraordinary experience possible and ideal. MTC: mission accomplished, and another dream come true. Thank you God!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Friends from California!

A great big thank you to friends who stopped by for a quick visit.  Our time together was too short, but very dear to me!  Thank you for making these memories possible.

A cutie from California!  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I've been busy

I have been as busy as a...missionary! I am either working, learning, serving, reading, praying, eating, walking, talking and meeting new people, or taking pictures. Gosh! There is always something wonderful happening around here. Take a look below, or, come and see for yourself!

Below: Showing appreciation at work
My fabulous co-workers!  A small representation of the team that preserves history through digital imaging worldwide.  Join us!  Help us help you find your ancestors and rescue important records for others.

Below: Another stellar performance in Temple Square!

Below: Taco Night with Sisters

Below: Welcoming visitors to Temple Square and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
He shared an incredible story with us!

Below: More Easter Activities

Morning Missionary Devotional (7:30 AM)
Rejoicing in the morning with the Sister Missionary Choir

 Below: With family and friends

Master Breadmaker

Below: Fun dinner with friends

Tamales with chili on top- both homemade!

Fresh baked cookies!

The cat loved it too!

Below: Our Zone at Play
March 2013