Monday, February 18, 2013

A Monday That Feels Like Sunday

Today is Presidents Day, and it feels like a Sunday, or at least this evening it does.  Perhaps it is because I am observing FHE in the quiet of my home.  (What is FHE?  Family Home Evening.  It is a wonderful spiritual practice of setting time aside on Monday evenings to read, listen, talk, play, and pray -mostly as a family or group, but sometimes alone.  It is about enjoying wholesome family fun, and really is a great 'tradition' to begin.)

Tonight my mind recalled a sign I read, which said:

Know God, know Peace.
No God, no peace.

How happy I am to say that I do know Peace.  I may be busy, multitasking, planning, and organizing as I am usually doing.  Somehow, though, these activities seem a little different now.  They are not as critical as they once seemed to be.  I know that everything will get accomplished, in its due time.  I must still do my part because things won't get done without action.  Perhaps the difference is that now I attempt to see things as God would see them.   

What is the most important things for me to accomplish, in His eyes?  I have heard it said in many ways, but the message is the same: Put God First.  Then People (Others).  Then Things.  Or, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God."  So, I look at my to-do list and search for a Higher Order.  Have you seen the letters WWJD?  It stands for What Would Jesus Do?  Yes, what would He do, and in what order? 

Just that small mind shift, of assessing priorities from a spiritual and eternal point of view, has helped me move closer to God.  So, yes, I can also say that I know God, much more than before.  Cultivating an intimate relationship with my Father in Heaven, and Jesus Christ,  was and is crucial.  Which is why FHE is so important to me.  It is time I set aside with and for God, to establish this relationship in my heart and home.  Doing this helps me to know Him more, and better.  It also helps me accomplish more on my to-do list, and actually become more.  That is a marvelous feeling...becoming!

So what am I becoming?  Peace.  Love.  A real, faithful, and loyal daughter who loves her Father in Heaven, who is God.  This brings me peace, a real, deep, and quiet peace, in my heart and mind.  The same can happen for you.

"Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ."  1 Corinthians 1:3 
The Peace of God.

1 comment:

  1. Sister Binkhurst! We love you and miss you! Even though you are away in the land of cold and snow, we know you are warm in your heart. We think of you often, and you are in our prayers. But is just isn't the same without you! Thank you for your service and your example. AND thank you for the missive about the ward choir. It meant a lot to me!
