Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Arts in the Summer

June 21st, the first day of summer, began with splashes of color and creativity from local artists.  We had a wonderful time at the Utah Arts Festival.  The evening began and ended with great lessons:

1.  Good and friendly people are everywhere!  I choose to look for the good in everyone, and it makes life full of surprises.  I love seeing creativity bloom!  I call it "making something out of nothing", but really it is inspiration come to life.  First a thought, then an action, and soon, you have a new creation.  Before we entered the festival, we were greeted by sidewalk vendors.  One man, who was a total 60's hippie, came up to us, and said, "Hey, you're Sisters!"  He then proceeded to share some very kind thoughts towards us, and his love for God and our country.  A few steps later, we met this young woman who makes and paints these pretty fans.  Yes, there is beauty and goodness all around us, especially within people.

2. One of the interactive exhibits at the festival was a huge chalkboard.  It asked participants to consider the following statement and finish the sentence in your own words.  How would you fill in the blank?
"Before I die I want to ______."

My companion's answer was, "I want to be made whole."  Other noteworthy answers (I want to):
live; attempt to save a life; change someone; find my real dad...

As we ponder over these answers, let's remember that each of us is given the opportunity today to be, to live, to love, to help, to hope, and to know who our real Father is in heaven.  Perhaps when we consider this divine and eternal relation with Him, we can gain some insight to the idea of being "made whole".

Enjoy the Utah Arts Festival through my lens, and share with me the beauty that you see.

Yes, his guitar is a shovel!

Recycled paper


PVC pipes and yarn

Fuzzy bugs caught in the web.

 and create!

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