Thursday, November 14, 2013

Monday Night Sports

I wanted to share a quick Monday Night highlight: FHE with the Anderson children this week.  They are so special- just like their parents!  These kind of moments are so much fun, and I am constantly learning from these kids.  (Please read a previous blog entry in February for an explanation of FHE.) 

Our evening began with... pizza, what else?!  While we were eating, we played a game: name 2 favorite things you like to eat, and your 2 least favorite things to eat.  I learned that someone REALLY likes bacon, and several people really dislike onions.  Okay, good to know these things for future reference.  

Later, the kids asked what kind of board games I had.  I explained that I had none because, as a missionary, I didn't have a lot of time to play games.  What to do??  I looked around and saw 2 pizza boxes.  "Well, that's a board", I thought to myself.  I suggested that we make our own board game.  Why not?  

No sooner did I say that, when Garrison selected the cleanest of the two boxes, and his wheels started to turn.  Equipped with scissors and a Sharpie marker, he got busy.  Will and Olivia decided to draw pictures, which were so delightful.  I still have them taped to my wall.  I was having a ball watching them use their imagination to create  "magic"- or -something from nothing!  

Within 30 minutes, we were ready to begin playing Garrison's original game, he called, "Gravity: The Game".  He is amazing!  He made a die (singular dice) from the scraps of cardboard!  He invented rules for the game.  "This is what happens when..."  The game was based a little on "Chutes and Ladders", where, if you landed on a column ending in the number "0", you got "elevated" to a higher level.  If you landed on a column with a "1", like 11, 21, 31, etc., then you moved down a level, based on another set of rules.  Thus, you were dropped by...gravity!  The first one across the board, won.

After a round of that game, we began a more traditional Family Home Evening.  Olivia and Will sang a quick rendition of "I am a child of God".  So cute!!!  Garrison offered a sweet and heartfelt prayer.  They wanted to watch a movie.  I asked them what kind of movie did they want to watch, keeping in mind that I was a missionary.  They soon tamed their requests, realizing that I didn't have anything "normal", having to do with shooting, fighting, or blowing things up.

Thank goodness I remembered "Ephraim's Rescue"!  I had bought the movie a few weeks ago.  It was a safe movie to watch, and the boys seemed to interested in it.  Unfortunately they didn't get to see the end because Zack and Abby returned (too soon).  ;D

O yes, lest I forget, the hot chocolate and mattress wrestling prior to the movie.  There's nothing like a good family wrestling match to bring us closer together! LOL.  Well, you know what they say, "A family that plays and prays together, stays together!"  I so appreciate FHE on Mondays.  It's better that Monday Night Football!!

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